Here's a simple WordPress function and short code for calculating things like employee anniversaries, years in business, birthdays or anything that needs to calculate a year based on a starting date.
Example 1: Celebrating [workiversary anniversary="12-12-2002"] Years!
Celebrating [workiversary anniversary="12-12-2002"] Years!
Exanple 2: Celebrating Over [workiversary anniversary="12-12-1832"] Years in Business!
Celebrating Over [workiversary anniversary="12-12-1822"] Years in Business!
Add this to your themes Functions, or create your own plugin:
function status_in_years_shortcodes( $atts ) {
if ( empty( $atts['anniversary'] ) )
return '';
if ( ( $anniversary = strtotime( $atts['anniversary'] ) ) === false )
return '';
$years_diff = date_diff( date_create(), date_create( $atts['anniversary'] ) )->y;
return $years_diff;
add_shortcode( 'workiversary', 'status_in_years_shortcodes' );