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500,000+ Open-licensed SVG Vector and Icons


Font awesome may the be king of easily embedded icons, but SVG Repo is a web developers dream for more diverse SVG vector icon sets.

SVG Repo offers you the ability to search, explore and edit the best-fitting free icons or vectors for your projects using a large library of vector icons. You can download SVG vector icons for commercial use for FREE. The sets are community driven, and as you would expect from an open-licensed project, you are encouraged to contribute too.

The only annoyance I see are small ads everywhere – but hey, everyone has to pay for hosting somehow.

For WordPress – Simply download the SVG support Plugin. You can use these as regular images in the media gallery.

Embedded HTML Example: < img src="/uploads/icon.svg" alt="triangle with all three sides equal" height="87" width="100" />
CSS Example: .svgclass { background: url("/uploads/icon.png") no-repeat center; background-image: url("/uploads/icon.svg"); background-size: contain; }
Corner Icon Render
Corner Icon Render
Corner Icon Render
Corner Icon Render How Can I Help You?