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Managing Website Development Expectations


If you have to build a website from scratch every time you start a project, you need to be prepared to pass the cost of the time spent to develop a brand new creative look on to your client. At the blank page point, your basically developing a style guide and branded look from ground zero before you even start the website design process.

Blank-page design, or design from scratch or something entirely new without inspiration from another source, should by default, cost more money. Managing a clients expectation of the design process is key in this regards when it comes to web. You have to communicate that it’s going to cost more.

Most web design projects fall into the 90-5-5 design process. 90% of the time you can ask clients for examples of sites and features they like to create a solid design “template” or feature set “directional road map” to get you started. 5% of the time, your starting from scratch with blank-page design. 5%  you have a nightmare client who burns through design layouts and creative time like water and is shocked when you hand them a bill.

Like Smoky The Bear says: “Only you can prevent forest fires!”. So speak up and communicate the real depth of a project scope before your “project” becomes a full blown “forest fire”.

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