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Articles bans WP Engine, blocks it from accessing its resources


Automatic’s Matt Mullenweg should forcibly removed as CEO and be federally investigated for profiteering from a non-for profit platform. He should also PERSONALLY be responsible for all the monetary damages he’s caused to the sites hosting at WP Engine.

He needs to figure out if they are going to be an open source company or a for profit company. Or where the line in the sand is between the IP’s his company owns.

He hates that people HATE Gutenburg. He HATES that someone built a better management and plugin theme delivery architecture.
But it’s OPEN SOURCE, we should be able to do what I want with it, even fork it like ClassicPress.

I don’t use WP Engine, but I hope they win their law suit. As a developer I am fully aware that WP Engine is not affiliated with Automatic.

I guess we need to shut down WP Tavern, WP Beginner, WP Lift, WP Shout, “WP Factory“, and everyone else with WP in the name.

I guess that the two letters W & P can only be used for WordPress and the social slang for “Well Played“,  “Wrong Person , “Weather Permitting“, and “Word Processing“,  have no bearing on Matts reality distortion.

Read the full drama here.

Also, more light reading is the googled meaning or WP.

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